Durham Adult Soccer League
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Team Captains who are interested in registering for the upcoming season should email us with their team name, squad size, and team colors (Primary & Secondary).

Games are scheduled to take place on Fridays at either 7:00 PM or 9:00 PM. The plan for this year includes 1 preseason game, 12 regular season games, and playoffs on our regular game night. The fields will be situated in either Whitby or Ajax. There will be no games scheduled during the long weekends in July, August & September.

The team fee for this season is $3400 for a roster of 17 players. Any additional players beyond 17 will incur a fee of $35 each for registration. Due to field availability, we have only 12 team slots available for this year. Please be aware that uniforms/kits are NOT included this year. If you require information on a provider, please send an email for assistance.

Individual players without a team may sign up for a fee of $200. 

To register, please click on the "SIGN UP" tab and follow the registration process. When registering, please specify your team captain's name under the section labeled "Please specify any linked players:" so that we can cross-reference it with the list provided by the captains. If you are an individual player, please leave that section blank and we will assign you to a team accordingly. 

For any teams with inquiries regarding the upcoming season that are not addressed in this communication above, please direct your emails to dasleagueprez@gmail.com